29 ago 2009

Why, Why me? - Henry J. White - Diciembre 2003

Why, Why me? - Henry J. White - Diciembre 2003
//Nota aclaratoria: Puede que no este bien escrita, pero en su dia lo puse asi, entonces no sabia tanto ingles como se ahora, que tampoco es mucho mas, de todas manera voy a subir el texto tal y como lo tengo en el cuadernito. Gracias y Perdon.\\

Sometimes, I think that my life is not a life, i don't know if u understand me, but about thing i was sure, U never found a real felicity. All is a lied, and nothing true. My life was fall day a day, hour and hour, second since my resting days. My motivation is null, because i don't find anything that helpme with me motivation.

I feel tired, buried, defeated with my life. any moments i really feel bad with my life, all go out my hands and i lost the correct way and now i am missed.

¿Who can help me?
I called, to the reason, because she don't hear me. All it's black, All is bad, All, All, All defeated.

Why, Why me? - Henry J. White - Diciembre 2003

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